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Breakfast & After School Club

After School Club Contact Number 07386603190

Our extended school services consist of breakfast and after school clubs and are open to all pupils within our school.
Both clubs are run by current Langafel Staff who fully meet the criteria required to work with children.
Our staff already know your children and will have similar high expectations of your children at the club as they do when they are in school.

Once the children have arrived at the club, they can participate in a wide and varied range of activities.
Children at after school club will have access to school resources such as sports and IT facilities.
The activities give structure to the club but are also chosen to provide fun, relaxation and enjoyment for the children.
Children will also have the opportunity to start their homework at after school club. It is, however, an important feature of homework that children share their learning at home, so it will not always be completed.

When breakfast club ends children in early years and key stage one will be escorted to their classrooms to begin the school day. Likewise for after school club the early years and key stage one children will be collected from their classrooms.
If your child is participating in a specific after school club such as gymnastics or football please let us know to ensure they are on all registers.

Clubs run Term time ONLY

Breakfast Club - Open at 7.40am

After School Club - Closes at 6pm